
Spectra-Laser Pen  (price is $ not l as shown)

The Spectra-Laser Pen is a laser pointer that is programmed with a variety of signals that are recognized for reducing inflammation and pain. The programming process involves infusing the laser pump diode, vanadate crystal, dielectric mirror , copper heat sink, and potassium crystal cavity resonator with the collimator lens utilizing longitudinal scalar wave energy and information.

Caution: Do not shine lasers in eyes!


       Using your Laser Pen

  1. Massage the area with your fingertips to locate the most pain­ful points.
  2. Use your Laser Pen on any area of pain as often and as long as you need to.
  3. Use the laser in a circular or sweeping motion above the skin over the general area of pain for several minutes to reduce inflammation.
  4. Put the laser directly on the skin after identifying those points (you can also use your laser over clothing—especially lighter clothing).
  5. Hold the laser on the point for a minimum of five seconds. There is no maximum amount of time that you may spend on any painful point.
  6. If you feel any responses from the body such as tingling, warmth, muscle responses, a sensation going down a limb or a response in an­other area of your body work on that point until the responses subside. This is an indication that you are on a point that needs the attention of your laser.
  7. You cannot use your Laser Pen too much or too often.

The most important area of the body to use your laser, other than the areas of primary source, is at the base of the skull in the area of the brainstem. The first two vertebrae (C1 and C2) influence the entire body and the brainstem is the control center for the central nervous system. Reducing inflammation in this area may be quite beneficial. For more information on areas of the spine that influence different organs go to: http://healthquestgroup.com/3d_spine/nerve_chart/index.htm.

Work your laser approximately 1 ½ inches from the spine (both sides) to produce beneficial re­sults. (This is in the area of the “meridians” which are areas of greater electrical conductivity in the body.)

*Joint problems, such as injuries or arthritis: laser around the entire joint area.

*Old injuries such as broken bones, sprains and scars.

*Warts, moles and wrinkles: ten to twenty minutes every day.

*To whiten teeth: shine your laser directly on the teeth for ten minutes or more 1-2 times per day.

*Skin condition: acne, psoriasis, shingles, rashes, etc.

*Ringing in the ear (tinnitus): shine the laser directly in your ear for at least ten minutes per day.

*Nail fungus: for at least ten minutes one or more times per day.

The Laser Pen is antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral.

        Morning laser water program

* In addition to using your laser for issues of the body you can laser food and beverages.

* Laser your fruit juice, coffee, tea and other beverages (except carbon­ated drinks because it will cause them to go flat) for one or more minutes for a much smoother taste during the day.

**Before eating or drinking in the morning, laser 12-24 ounces of water for one-two minutes

**Don’t eat or drink anything for 30 to 45 minutes after drinking your lasered water.

**This exercise may help to reduce pain and increase your energy level throughout the day. If you can’t drink that much water, begin with as much as you can drink and increase as you can.

**Add­ing powdered or liquid minerals to the water before lasering the water will help to retain the signals that are programmed into your Spectra-Laser Pen and those signals are carried into the cells along with the much needed water and minerals. Hydration of cells in the morning is very important.

*To get the maximum benefit from your Laser Pen the body must be hydrated and mineral supply must be adequate. ****We suggest you use 1-2 oz of the Garden Nectar Fulvic Trace  Minerals daily when using LED or Laser.

*If your Spectra- Laser Pen gets hot or quits shining remove the batteries for five minutes and then reinstall them.

Do not let the laser continue to overheat.

Do not drop your Laser Pen or get it wet.

The Laser Pen has a Ninety (90) day warranty from the date of delivery.


PRICES SHOWN ARE $ 129.95   


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