980 nM class iv 10w laser

Class iv laser with manual settings for Rife and Tesla frequency settings

AMD GBox class iv laser 8″ read touchscreen

iPalm 10w Therapeutic class iv laser 980 nM hand held unit


  • safe
  • FDA approved
  • non-invasive
  • effective treatment
  • pain management
  • true therapeutic laser


  1. a therapeutic medical treatment
  2. utilizes light of a single coherent wavelength (laser)
  3. transfers energy in the form of electrons
  4. light source to the micro-structure of the cell
  5. uses energy to facilitate the operation of various cell functions


  • therapeutic medical treatment
  • utilizes light of wavelengths
  • transfers energy
  • electrons delivered to cell microstructure
  • energy facilitates the operation of cell functions

Laboratory studies to date suggest that the use of specific wave length monochromatic light:

1. stimulates collagen production

2. accelerates DNA synthesis

3. improves the function of normal and damaged tissue

4. reduces pain


Acute and Chronic Pain Management and Advanced Therapeutic Healing

The application of LASER Therapy Protocols

The concentrated application of light energy penetrates into the injured area, promoting the body’s natural ability to heal.

Light energy for therapeutic use has been well documented and is a generally accepted alternative treatment modality for the relief of pain and promotion of tissue repair.  The application of light energy to injured tissues promotes a therapeutic elevation of tissue temperature to safely increase local blood flow, lymphatic drainage and circulation to the treated area. In addition to these therapeutic thermal effects, class iv Laser Therapy acts to produce non-thermal, photochemical reactions in the treated tissue. These photochemical reactions appear to have additional therapeutic effects.

Damaged, injured cells have lost the ability to produce energy required for cellular repair.  Class iv Laser Therapy produces millions of electrons per second in such a fashion that they can immediately be used by the cellular systems to facilitate cellular reproduction and repair.

Therapeutic laser treatment using Class III lasers was approved, and the more powerful Class IV laser treatment is now the most advanced modality used to treat both chronic and acute pain caused by these various causal factors.


 Class IV laser therapy reduces inflammation, increases blood flow by up to 500%, and alleviates pain of the spine, joints, muscles, and nerves caused by various factors. This is achieved by stimulating rapid healing of the soft tissue.

Therapeutic lasers penetrate the skin tissue with photonic light energy (photobiostimulation), which reaches to the deep tissues and activates the enzymes and metabolic functions of the cells of the target area. The energy stimulates proper cell functioning and speeds up the healing process, thereby reducing pain and inflammation.

What advantages does laser therapy have over other forms of treatment?
CLass IV
Laser Therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery and there are less side effects or risks than other forms of treatment. Depending on the injury, results can often be noticed within the first or second treatment. In addition, it can often achieve results faster than other treatment modalities.

How Does Laser Therapy Work?
The effects of Laser light energy have been well documented over the last 25 years. Laser energy affects the body by accelerating the healing process of damaged tissues, non-invasively and without side effects. The problem over the years has been that because of the limited power output of therapeutic lasers, the results on major pain conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, back and neck pain, arthritis and neuropathy where minimal at best. With the higher output power of the DIOWAVE laser, this problem has been resolved.

What Does Treatment Feel Like and When Can a Patient Expect to Experience Results?
Patients typically describe the feeling of warmth and profound relaxation. You can expect to begin to see results in approximately 3-5 treatments. Treatment sessions can range from 10-20 minutes. The majority of pain conditions are resolved in 5-10 treatments. The results are most often permanent. Neuropathy treatment is typically 15-20 treatments and is typically long term if not permanent.

Do safety risks exist that are associated with Class IV laser therapy?
The high power class iv laser is extremely safe; however, it is not used over the eyes due to the sensitivity of the retina, therefore, all patients wear protective safety glasses during the treatment.

Class III Laser vs. Class IV Laser

Primary difference between Class 3 and Class 4 therapy lasers: POWER

  • Class III is maxed at 500mW (milliWatts) of power from one laser beam
  • Class IV  is cleared by the FDA for 10W (Watts) or 10,000mW (milliWatts) and greater power up from one laser beam

The benefits of Class IV laser treatment for pain and inflammation include rapid healing of the joints, muscles, and nerve tissues, strengthening of the treated soft tissue, improved blood flow to the affected areas, pain relief, reduced inflammation and an improved immune response. These benefits are usually realized at the time of initial therapeutic treatment, and improve with each subsequent treatment.

What benefits are provided to the patient through high power laser therapy?

•Injuries treated with laser therapy heal faster

• Strengthening effect on tissue and bone repair

• Improved blood flow and lymphatic drainage

• Effective means of relief of many pain syndromes

• Improved immune response


What health Problems have researchers found to be improved by laser therapy?

• Soft Tissue Injuries

• Bone injuries

• Tedinopathies

• Back and Neck Pain

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Myofascial Trigger Points

• Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

• Sprains, Strains

• Repetitive Stress Injuries

• Planter Fasciitis

• Neurogenic Pain


• Post-traumatic Injury

• Fibromyalgia

• Trigeminal Neuralgia

• Degenerative Joint Conditions

• Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Osteoarthritis


Is Heat Used in Laser Therapy?

The effectiveness of Laser Therapy is not dependent on a thermal effect. The healing energy is delivered to the tissues directly and not through heat. A heat sensation is an indirect effect due to increase in circulation to the treated area.

How are Laser Therapy Treatments Administered?

Treatments can be administered:

  • Direct on acupuncture points
  • Trigger points
  • Directly over injury or lesion
  • Over nerve trunks

Clinical Studies and Trials of Class IV Laser Therapy have shown the following benefits on tissue and cells:

Pain Relief
Class IV
Laser Therapy has a beneficial effect on nerve cells by blocking the pain transmitted by the cells to the brain, which decreases nerve sensitivity and reduces the perception of pain. This results in decreased inflammation and reduced level of edema. Pain is also decreased due to the production and release of endorphins and enkephalins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals released from the brain and adrenal gland.

Improved Nerve Function
Laser therapy speeds up the process of nerve reconnection, often eliminating pain, tingling and burning.

Accelerated nerve growth and cell repair
Photonic Laser Light penetrates deep within the tissue to accelerate cell reproduction and growth. Laser Light increases energy to the cell, which helps aid nutrient absorption and waste removal. The result is accelerated healing of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and even bone.

Enhanced Immune Function
Photons of laser light are directly absorbed by chromophores (molecular enzymes within cells) that are embedded within most cells of the body. This laser light absorption activates a specific enzymatic process that triggers the production of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) ATP is the single most important form of energy that powers ALL chemical reactions within ALL cells of the body. Higher energy production leads to faster and more efficient function – especially true of immune-specific cells that are exposed to Laser Therapy. This improved efficiency aids the immune system in fighting off undesirable microbes and pathogens.

Reduced Edema and Inflammation
Laser therapy reduces edema, inflammation and congestion by activating vasodilation that promotes proper lymphatic drainage.

Faster Healing and Reduction of Scar Tissue Formation
Laser therapy increases blood flow to injuries, which increase the rate of healing and reduces scar tissue. Laser therapy has proven effective in treating burns, wounds, and surgery sites.

Acupuncture Point Stimulation
Laser Therapy is an effective alternative to traditional acupuncture treatment. Laser Therapy stimulates acupuncture and muscle trigger points providing musculo-skeletal pain relief and better flow of blood flow (sometimes referred to as CHI.

The Noninvasive, Drug Free Answer to Pain
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy is an innovative, scientifically based, therapeutic modality. This new technology, offers advanced pain relief and expedited healing times through a process known as photo-biostimulation.

The Class IV laser delivers deep, penetrating, photonic energy to bring about profound physiological changes. ATP (Adenosine-triphosphate) production is increased, inflammation and pain reduced and circulation increased at the site of injury. These changes in cellular chemistry are triggered by the laser, making it a true healing modality (in other words, it not only penetrates deep into where the pain is and eliminates it, but it also heals the tissues so that you aren’t just masking the pain, but ending it once and for all).

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy does not require the use of drugs or surgery, and no known side effects or risks exist, that may occur with other forms of treatment. In addition, it can often achieve results faster than other treatment modalities. During the treatment, the patient will feel deep, soothing warmth. This pleasant sensation reassures the patient that the laser is stimulating cellular activity.

Deep Tissue Laser Therapy provides all of the benefits of Cryotherapy (Ice) without the uncomfortable side effects, but instead has all of the benefits of Heat Therapy without the problems of increased inflammation that heat creates; the end-result is that the patient feels good during and especially after treatment.

What type of medical conditions respond to class iv high power deep tissue laser therapy? New and advanced applications of highly developed treatment protocols utilizing the DIOWAVE laser are being discovered daily, and include those conditions listed below:

• Musculoskeletal Pain

• Soft Tissue Injuries

• Migraine Headaches

• Back Pain & Spinal Conditions

• Myofascial Trigger Points

• Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Neuropathic Pain

• Parkinson’s Disease

• Bell’s Palsy

• Plantar Fasciitis

• Sports Injuries

• Sprains, Strains, & Breaks

• Knee Pain

• Hamstring Tears

• Arthritic Pain

• Many other conditions not listed here

                                What can a Patient do to Prevent the Pain from Returning?
Although laser technology is highly effective, without correcting existing underlying biomechanical causes, pain will return. Many pain conditions from the Upper Cervical misalignment can permanently be corrected when the biomechanical issues exacerbating the problem are dealt with. Upper Cervical specialists will correct these problems by doing a combination of computerized analysis and expert clinical x-rays or MRI’s to correct the specific atlas vertabrae position. Rea more under FUNCTIONAL HEALTH CARE: Upper Cervical or visit whatTimetuesday.com

The FDA originally approved laser treatment in 2001 as a safe method for reducing back, neck, and joint pain caused by various conditions, including:

a. arthritis

b. osteoarthritis

c. neuropathy

d. Parkinson’s disease

e. injuries and other causative factors

Is there any pain or side effects associated with Class IV laser therapy?
The class iv high power laser is painless and has no side effects. It is completely safe. During treatment, the patient experiences a gentle warming effect, and most times a profound feeling of relaxation.